In the U.S., our congregation had a "review" done on the articles of incorporation. This was initiated by the Legal Department through the C.O. As a result the dissolution clause was changed (through a rubber stamp vote of the congregation) so that upon dissolution the proceeds will go to the Society.
The Society has been doing this everywhere and as a result they now (or soon will) effectively control all KH assets. If the elders resist, guess what, they will be removed and replaced by more compliant men. And, no one in the congregation has the will to stand up to this. Donated money for construction and remodels, volunteer labor, loans with interest from the Society, donations to maintain the property and in the end, the asset ends up in the hands of the Society.
I think that is why they eliminated the Book Study and shortened the Public Talk by 15 minutes. Now you can have 1 Hall that easily handles 4 congregations.